Ryan Hakimipour

Mr Yeung


29 August 2022


When we met with the Alumni of prior APCSP students earlier today they helped with my understanding of what the class has to offer and with opportunities that can help me later on in the future. Something that they had talked about was how there are a vast variety of majors that APCSP leads to. Coding can also be used in majors, apart from APCSP/APCSA. There can also be many difficulties when it comes to coding and many hardships that we have to face but you just have to keep pushing yourself and focus on yourself, and not worry about how the other “Steve Jobs”s of the world are doing. Many of these difficulties can be solved with a simple Google search since there have been others with the same problem as yourself. On the off chance that you can’t find an answer to a problem, don’t be afraid to reach out to others and ask for help. Another good tip is to prevent yourself from cutting corners and understand the code that you’re writing and try to expand on it. A good way to use your coding knowledge to the best of your ability is to try and get an internship which will not only help improve your skills but also boost your resume. It’s also good to have personal projects on the side so you can add them to your portfolio. Having something that you can apply to your work and a plan are great ways to keep yourself moving since it allows you to stay organized.