Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing Talk about dopamine issues above. Real? Parent conspiracy? Anything that is impacting your personal study and success in High School?


1.Beneficial Effect: Increased productivity and efficiency in various industries through automation and data analysis. Harmful Effect: Job displacement and economic disruption in certain industries.

2.Beneficial Effect: Improved access to information and education through the internet. Harmful Effect: Spread of misinformation and the erosion of critical thinking skills.

3.Beneficial Effect: Enhanced communication and connection with others through social media and other online platforms. Harmful Effect: Increased feelings of isolation and loneliness, as well as potential invasion of privacy. —


Some issues that students are having with controlling computing time is dopamine issues. Its something that many issues deal with since they don’t have the attention span to last them through time where they have to school work. Something that I deal with personally is not being able to manage the time I spend playing games since I get more dopamine from games compared to school work so to my brain would rather play video games and get that feeling/rush than looking at a textbook. One way that I learned to stop myself from playing video games for a long time is that I set a screen time for myself to restrict the amount of time that I spend playing games. I also dedicated a certain amount of time each day to my school work.


Algorithmic Bias

Computer bias frequently manifests as algorithmic bias. These algorithms tend to cater to specific target markets, for instance, Facebook displays ads that attract an older audience while TikTok is geared towards a younger demographic.

The topic of gender-based biases in artificial intelligence systems was extensively debated. Despite evidence of gender stereotyping being present in the decision-making process, the team ultimately concluded that the multitude of voice options and the likelihood that the creators used consumer data to determine the most popular voice led to the female default being chosen as it simply resonated with the majority.

Algorithms are prevalent in applications that aim to keep users engaged, such as YouTube, Instagram, Netflix, Amazon, and others. While it can have negative consequences if, for example, a user is exposed to only a single political viewpoint on YouTube, in general, these algorithms benefit both the user and the platform. By personalizing content based on previous viewing habits, sites such as Netflix and YouTube improve their ability to recommend media that the user is likely to enjoy, which can be considered a mutually advantageous outcome.

Are HP Computers Racist?

While the data regarding HP testers is certainly concerning and indicative of a lack of inclusivity and responsibility, there is no clear evidence of deliberate discrimination. Regardless, this is a harmful flaw in the camera’s programming, and it is the responsibility of HP for failing to identify it.

To prevent similar issues in the future, it is crucial to conduct comprehensive testing on systems, especially those designed to interact with individuals of varying appearances, with a diverse group of testers. One effective method to gather extensive data could be to record a diverse range of individuals in a public setting.


  • CompSci has 150ish principles students. Describe a crowdsource idea and how you might initiate it in our environment.

It would be beneficial to receive feedback on the games featured on our website from other CSP students, as it may provide us with more comprehensive solutions or recommendations for various challenges. This approach can be applied to all aspects of our project and could be initiated through Slack.

  • What about Del Norte crowdsourcing? Could your project be better with crowdsourcing?

Testing the Reviews and Events databases with a diverse group of students would be beneficial as it would provide more robust testing for their filtering and validation systems with a higher volume of entries. If we were to enlist a significant number of Del Norte students to contribute events and reviews to the site, we would have a stronger foundation to build upon. However, this approach would also come with the potential risk of an increase in spam.



  • Creating a repository on GitHub requires selection of a license type.
  • There are many lawyers who specialize in patents.
  • Qualcomm seeks compensation for derivative works and demands a royalty fee for the use of patents and ideas.
  • Using software under the GPL license may result in the loss of the ability to charge for the software and related patents.
  • The GPL open source license requires that any derivative work must be free and the code must be shared.
  • The cost of using software under the GPL license may be higher than expected due to the loss of the right to charge for the software and patents.
  • Open source licenses like the GPL have clear guidelines for sharing and distributing derivative works.
  • Companies such as Qualcomm strive to receive reimbursement for the usage of their patents and ideas, even in the context of open source software.

Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal

The Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication waives all copyright claims on a work you have created, making it accessible to the public globally.

Open Source MIT License

The MIT License permits the unrestricted use of code and the production and distribution of proprietary versions. Typically, the software author under the MIT License desires recognition, which can be as simple as including their name in the comments. Proprietary projects can be kept confidential on GitHub.



  • Personal Identifiable Information (PII) refers to information that can identify a person.
  • This information can be easily obtained through social media, online searches, and other online activities.
  • It is important to be mindful of the information shared online, as it can be easily accessible by others.
  • Confidential information such as financial credentials, two-factor authentication codes, and social security numbers should be kept private.
  • Multi-factor authentication and biometric methods can increase the security of your systems.
  • Both Symmetric and Asymmetric Encryption can also boost the security of your systems.
  • Phishing and malware attacks pose a threat to the security of your PII.
  • Regularly reviewing your PII vulnerabilities and taking measures to protect your information is crucial.

1) Personal Identifiable Information (PII) encompasses details that can identify a person, such as their name, social security number, date of birth, address, or phone number. Websites, apps, and organizations often gather and store PII in the field of computer science. In a project I encountered, PII was gathered from users through the registration process and utilized to customize their website experience.

2) The revelation of PII can lead to severe consequences for individuals, including identity theft, financial fraud, and privacy breaches. Hence, it is crucial for organizations to securely manage and protect PII to prevent such incidents from taking place. Strong passwords are usually lengthy, complex, and unpredictable, making them challenging to guess or crack. In contrast, weak passwords are short, easily predictable, or frequently used. Two-factor authentication (2FA) can also be used to enhance authentication by requiring two forms of identification, such as something you know (such as a password) and something you possess (such as a smartphone), to access an account.

3) Symmetric encryption is a technique where a single key is employed for both encryption and decryption. As a result, both the sender and receiver of the encrypted message must have access to the identical key for secure communication. Conversely, asymmetric encryption utilizes two distinct keys: one for encryption and another for decryption. This allows for secure communication between parties without the need for pre-exchanging the key.

4) An instance of encryption utilized in AWS deployment is the implementation of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates, which encrypt the communication between a user’s browser and a website to protect against eavesdropping and tampering.

5) To date, I have not fallen victim to any phishing scams. One type of phishing scam I am aware of involves an attacker sending an email that appears to come from a trusted source, such as a bank or e-commerce site, and requesting the recipient to click on a link or provide confidential information. Another popular phishing method involves creating a fake login page that mimics a legitimate website to deceive the user into entering their username and password. Additionally, phishing can also be carried out through malicious attachments.