The College Board performance tasks require that we fulfill all project specifications, including appropriateness and demonstration of programming skills through a written report and video. This includes showcasing the program’s purpose and functionality, managing complexity, utilizing algorithms and procedures, testing, and providing detailed descriptions to show proficiency in the project and AP CSP curriculum.

For our CPT group project we have been working on creating a fruit ninja like game where random foods will pop up on screen and the user will have to click. It will have many different aspects to the game such as a score counter, a timer, and effects to the user. There will also be a mandatory feature where users will need to sign in to be able to play so that the leader board can update with their scores.

For my personal addition to this project I will be mainly working on the score and time counter for the game. I will have to make that I am hitting ever single one of the scoring sections of the CPT rubric, and I think I’m making good progress towards that. I am already settled down on the program purpose and functionality, and this will be explicitly described in my writeup & my video. Furthermore, I will be able to test it, and after creating the backend of the score and time tracker page and after it is fully functional, I will be able to go in-depth to describe the algorithms which were utilized, how complexity was managed using lists, and how my backend is secure and utilizes many different complex programming methodologies.

In the video I will show how depending on what object you click how it will effect either your score or time. I will also show how that effects the leader board.