Notes on 1.2 Daily Video 1

  • Categories of Innovations include Applications (games, social media, productivity), Physical Devices (computers, tablets, smart “things”), Systems (E-commerce, email).
  • You want to think about some guiding questions when you think about purpose:
    • Why does the computing innovation exist?
    • What problem(s) does the computing innovation solve?
    • What does the computing innovation allow us to do that we could not before?

Notes on 1.2 Daily Video 2

  • Computer programs accept input in a variety of different forms (tacile aka touch, audio, visual, text).
  • Programs are mostly event-driven –> events (mouse clicks, screen taps/swipes, physical button clicks, eyboard entries, audio keywords/phrases) are triggered by actions, which sends input to the program
  • Input affects output of a program
  • Outputs can be visual, audio, tactile (touch/feel like vibrations), text

Notes on 1.2 Daily Video 3

  • A program (aka software) is a collection of statements.
    • A statement is a single command, a group of statements is a code segment
  • Describing code segments:
    • Simply state what it does
    • Include what it does/how it does it

Collegeboard Quiz

I took the Program Function and Purpose Quiz MCQ.


My group’s final project idea is to create Flash cards to help us study with various vocab/questions. The flash cards will be in the format where it asks you a question and you will have a textbox to input your answer. Then it will show you the actual answer of the question and you can compare your questions.

It is for an educational purpose because it’ll help us develop our coding vocabulary. The project is able to be expanded and thus will hold our interest for 8 weeks because we can add additional features such as ways to test your knowledge.

This project does have the potential for someone to use it beyond the 8 weeks because it helps with studying which is very important to people’s lives.

This project does have potential for the Create Performance Task submission:

  1. Program Purpose and Function
    • The purpose of the program is to provide a platform in which users can study for a subject.
  2. Data Abstraction
    • Information such as the questions and answers will be stored in lists, which demonstrates data abstraction.
  3. Managing Complexity
    • The list will have to contain the items to display.
  4. Procedural Abstraction
    • The procedures will involve creating questions and answers for those questions.
  5. Algorithm Implementation
    • Randomizing questions will require an algorithmn.
  6. Testing
    • There can be functions such as “quizes” that need to call different values from different places.