
What standards have we hit so far? Which assignment do they relate to?

  1. Identify and apply the systems development process – we have created AWS instances and made our own flask websites, so we have applied the development process of creating a website.
  2. Define and analyze systems and software requirements. – we have blogged about the Collegeboard requirements for our group project, so we have analyzed the requirements for the project.
  3. Create effective interfaces between humans and technology. – we have worked with frontend code in our fastpages
  4. Develop software using programming languages. – we have learned python and javascript
  5. Test, debug, and improve software development work. – we have done this with our group projects
  6. Integrate a variety of media into development projects. – we are using APIs and also images
  7. Develop Web and online projects. – we have created our personal fastpages as well as personal flasks and a group flask
  8. Develop databases. – we explored databases with python dictionaries
  9. Develop software for a variety of devices, including robotics. – not yet
  10. Develop intelligent computing – not yet What standards are you looking forward to learning more about? I am looking forward to developing software for robotics and also developing intelligent computing What other careers can you benefit from being in this pathway? Some potential careers are computer scientist, data scientists, etc.